All Aboard As Melissa And Doug Puzzles

melissa and doug puzzles“All aboard! All aboard!” Whether or not you’ve boarded a train, you’ve heard those famous words telling people it’s time to jump on the steaming locomotive to take them to their new destination of dreams or perhaps of adventure.  Well, this time we’re not discussing a train you would find in a station house ready for departure, but, an express trip to learning called the Alphabet Express Floor Puzzle by melissa and doug puzzles.

With twenty-six animal friends already on board this delightful train of learning, your son or daughter will find an amusing time while they begin their journey toward the very foundation of a successful academic career.  They’ll be aided by an alligator, a bear, an elephant, even a tiger.  As you can see, the learning includes members of the animal kingdom as well as the letters of the alphabet.

Melissa and doug puzzles make learning fun and entertaining as children love animals.  Imagine all the words your little ones will form as they begin to put the letters together and as they learn to read.  And, you can be a part of this wonderful trip courtesy of melissa and doug puzzles.

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