Haven’t you always dreamed of being wrapped up by a soft, plushy octopus? Well, you would if you were into big plush toys. And, in particular, these two animated octupuses.
Not only will your son or daughter enjoy playing with this bright blue octopus with the funny little hat, but, they will have an extra one for added fun when a friend comes over or, if they wish, sharing one with a sibling (yeah, right). Now before you get any ideas, this little guy is only for playing with and not for your next course of sushi. This little guy is so adorable everyone in the family will love him.
One of the best features about this octopus is that he doesn’t need water or an aquarium. Although, he may need some cleaning from time to time. Big plush toys are a great friend for any boy or girl and deserve a great home where they will no doubt find that friend snuggled up with them at night in a warm bed.