With all the modern advertising and marketing schemes designed to catch your eye or turn your head to get you to listen, even if it’s only for a minute, isn’t it nice when there’s a softer side to turn to and help you relax to have some fun? Absolutely. And that’s why we’re here to discuss that softer side to your life.
As a new parent or a new grandparent, you know exactly how soft your precious newborn’s world has to be as life is just beginning. With melissa doug soft ABC blocks, there’s no worry of any hard or rough edges. Since the topic of the ABC’s are now on the table, why not introduce them to baby?
As baby becomes comfortable with the soft, mouth-friendly edges, it’s the perfect time to make him or her familiar with the new world of the alphabet. Who says the road to education can’t be paved with soft, multi-textured blocks – melissa doug soft ABC blocks? You’re never too young to get started.