We’ve all heard the line – “moneky on your back”. Well, I would like to submit a new line – “giant sock monkey on your head”. Now before you blow a gasket wondering what I mean by that, just think back to your childhood when you had a sock monkey as a toy that you played with for hours of simple fun.
Well, ladies, this is a good day for you – now you can wear a giant sock monkey on your head. Even though we’re heading into the warmer months of the year, it’s a still a great time to think about getting one for yourself so you’ll be ready for those cooler days which are no doubt on their way. Yeah, you may look a little goofy wearing it, but, you’ll definitely start a conversation or two.
So why am I going on and on about this wonderful throw-back to the bygone days of childhood? Think ahead a few months about the cool Fall days and how good that poly-fleece lining will feel as you pull it down around your cold ears. Instead of me blabbing on about how great this hat is, get one and find out for yourself.