Vroom, vroom. Listen to those cars rev their engines as they await the flag to drop at the starting line. So what are we talking about with all this car noise and flags dropping and starting lines?
We’re talking about the Race Car Rocker of course as your child will feel the need for speed as he takes his seat in what could be the most powerful rocking chair known to child-kind. Obviously, they can’t take a spin around the track in this rocking chair even while they watch the race on TV. Painted like the themes seen at the any NASCAR track, your child will quickly fall in love with this rocking chair.
Because this rocking chair is unique in every way, moms and dads will have to present it in a unique way. As they’re rounding turn four, you’ll be glad they have a gear shift to control the speed of this fastest of all rocking chairs. Since it has its own sound track to simulate the sound of speed, and you’ll be able to turn it off, you’ll have some peace to read their “thank you” note which is provided.