Admittedly, this is a slightly different take on the melissa doug animal puzzle book by using animals and fruits and insects and kites, in addition to other important items, to teach our children the basic element in their education: the alphabet. So how does a parent go about teaching the alphabet? And, how does word and object association work to teach the all-important alphabet?
Babies learn from the world that surrounds them everyday and when you introduce them to new things or things they already know in a new way. Learning the alphabet only enhances their fertile minds to help them create sentences, or phrases, to inform you of their latest dilemma. And, we all understand that their dilemma can range from needing something to eat to needing a fresh diaper to wanting out of the arms of that bothersome aunt or uncle who holds them too long.
So when it comes to teaching them the alphabet with the melissa doug animal puzzle book, your job is only as complicated as matching the corresponding letter with its teaching mate. You’ll be amazed when they are able to match up letters and objects on their own. And, think about the day when they walk across the stage to accept that diploma.