Now that you’re feeling the first chill of the season, you’ll soon be reaching for a warm hat to keep you warm as you hike brightly-colored nature trails, or as you sit in the night air of football game, or as you take a brisk walk through the neighborhood. I’m sure as you agree with the previous statement, you’re also thinking that you have a few cool hats to wear on these occasions. I doubt you have one like the giant sock monkey.
Of course you remember the days when you played with the sock monkey doll. Well, in a whimsical way, this giant sock monkey can bring back those fun childhood days. Wearing a cool, funky hat like this on will tell your friends that you not only know how to reach back to the past, but, that you have a unique sense of humor.
The giant sock monkey will create conversations within your own family and no doubt with everyone you meet at an outdoor event or running the occasional errand. People love to be reminded of the fun days of their past. The giant sock monkey can of course be worn as a unique piece of clothing as a well become a treasured collection of nostalgia.