By this point in our lives, haven’t we all grown up or been around honey in a kitchen cabinet – that sweet golden nectar of the bees? Unless you’re allergic to it, you’ve enjoyed its gooey goodness from the spoon or as a vital ingredient, but, you should be aware of the health benefits such as: 1) alleviating allergies; 2) an all-natural energy drink; 3) boosting memory; 4) a cough suppressant; 5) a sleep aid; 6) treating dandruff; 7) treating wounds and burns.
No doubt, by now, you’re wondering what honey, and its benefits, have in common with a child’s rocking chair. Well, I’m glad you wondered that and decided to read the remainder of this article as I connect both of these dots by telling you in addition to honey’s health benefits that a rocking chair benefits your little one by: adding to their emotional health by reminding them of the rocking motion from those early days as Mom held them during feeding; plus, aiding them physically as rocking relieves pressure from their back. That second benefit goes for us adults as well.
So, as we continue connecting honey and a rocking chair, think about this honey-stained furniture as a design feature in your child’s room. This is definitely a conversation starter as well as an heirloom piece. Oh, and before I forget, if your little one is younger than 12 months, don’t feed him honey until he is older than one year to avoid any complications.