Do you have a favorite color? Do your children prefer one color over another? Have you ever thought about the importance of color in our daily lives or even how much of a role colors play from the very beginning of our life?
Well, fortunately, I’ve conducted a little bit research on the matter of colors and whether the issue of male colors vs. female colors really makes much of a difference. And, in case you’re wondering, this does relate to even a wooden rocking chair regardless of it being pink. Based on my reading of the whole color issue, from the time we’re born until whenever, we are persuaded by culture and societal norms as to the color a boy or a girl should favor right through adulthood.
While I’m writing to promote a simply pink wooden rocking chair and less of the argument of color preference, I do think it all plays a role in shaping us as mature men and women. Until the 1940’s, boys were dressed in pink and girls in blue because pink was seen as a stronger color for boys and blue as a softer color for girls even though there are now studies showing some evidence of both genders generally preferring blue. You can google that for yourself. To sum it all up, my point is that, while cultural norms can change like the colors of the seasons, let your little girl enjoy a pink wooden rocking chair.