You hear the distant strains of orchestral music introducing the latest star of the ballet: Melissa Doug Alexa – 14 Ballerina Doll. The music grows louder as the lights dim and the spotlight finds its star of the stage. No doubt you’re wondering what all this is building up of Alexa means in the end.
Well, of course it has meaning in the end. Melissa Doug Alexa – 14 Ballerina Doll is the perfect stage star for your own little ballerina to daydream with and imagine and create any ballet she desires. What little girl doesn’t dream of taking the stage and performing the perfect pirouette or the most amazing plie’?
I know you mothers reading this blog remember taking precious time in your busy day to daydream and create a spectacular ballet of your own imaginings. Your daughter will build memories of dancing with her new best friend: the melissa doug alexa – 14 ballerina doll. Don’t think that the day won’t come when you’ll be called into her room for a very special command performance.