When you think about a wooden rocking chair, do you imagine the person in sitting in that chair as older with gray or white hair? Possibly reflecting on their days when they were younger? Remembering the good ol’ days?
Well, when it comes to this wooden rocking chair, banish those stereotypes because this rocking chair is anything but for the older person wanting to recount their younger days. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being older and recounting those fonder times. It’s just that this All Star Sports Rocker is for the young sports star who enjoys reflecting on his run at glory only a short while ago.
With the All Star Sports Rocker, your hero can reflect on his accomplishments while playing soccer, basketball, football, baseball or hockey. And, in the middle of it all, is a framed picture of him beaming with pride. So what do you, mom or dad, get for providing this handsome rocker for your sports star? A photo greeting card so he can say THANK YOU in a memorable way.