Baby Receives The Ultimate Baby Wrap

Have you ever been received like royalty or maybe a celebrity or perhaps you wish you had been? Being human, we’re well aware of how important it is to be received. That’s exactly the thinking behind this beautifully pink and paisley ultimate baby wrap.

While your new little one may not think of being received quite as royalty or even a celebrity, they will know they’re loved in a special way only a proud parent can receive their newborn baby in this ultimate baby wrap. The warmth and security they will feel is unmatched as they’re engulfed in this soft world of a pink paisley and multicolored blanket constructed from cotton and polyester. As you Moms and Dads know, it’s important to make your baby feel as secure and as protected as they were in the womb.

In addition to providing security and warmth for baby, there are several other reasons for using a receiving blanket: 1) play mat giving her room to crawl, roll, play and sleep; 2) burping; 3) swaddling; 4) breast feeding; 5) changing table cover. As you can see from this abbreviated list of uses, baby will be well cared for and may just end up feeling like royalty or a celebrity. So, go ahead and make this ultimate baby wrap a part of baby’s receiving.

Newborn Sleeping Wrap

Newborn Sleeping Wrap

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Travel The USA With Giant Floor Puzzles

Any Moms or Dads out there who know of a better way to travel the Grand Fifty than by sitting down with your child and using one of the giant floor puzzles? Well, whether you have or haven’t, this sound puzzle of the U.S.A. gives you and your blooming scholar a real hands-on appraoch to learning. Plus, this is a lot more fun than getting out a clumsy paper map of  the 50 States and trying to track down each state and its capital.

Now, you’re probably wondering why is this particular method a better tool for your child to use as an educational asset over something digital. I’m so glad you posed the concern because, as helpful as the digital form can be, this is a learning project which lends itself to teaching in two very important ways: global (big picture); and, analytic (details). Another key way children learn is through the kinesthetic: hands-on approach to learning.

While each of these avenues is proper in teaching your child the states, their capital cities, their physical shapes, their location in relation to other other states, this map puzzle lets them hear each state and capital city pronounced. Another valuable feature to all of this not only comes from the practical application of doing the exercise, but, from once the project is completed. You will have valuable quality time with your child as he grows and learns.

U.S.A. Map Sound Puzzle

U.S.A. Map Sound Puzzle

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When It Comes To The Melissa Doug Animal Puzzle Book

Have you pondered the, maybe not-so, age-old question of what you will do when it comes to the Melissa Doug animal puzzle book? Well, in case you haven’t, it’s high time you did. This Melissa Doug animal puzzle book just may be the key to unlocking the door of a whole new world to little scholar as they get their first look at the animal world which surrounds them.

This brightly and delightfully colored animal puzzle arrives in its own wooden box ready to teach your child about the different animals such as: a cow, pig, sheep, horse, dog, cat, rabbit, turtle, whale, shark, octopus, dolphin, giraffe, elephant, zebra, lion. While this certainly isn’t a complete list of all the wild kingdom, it will definitely get you started on the road to learning about all God’s creatures and put you on the path to your own adventure of discovery. Perhaps, even taking a trip to your local zoo.

Imagine your child’s delight in his first visit to the zoo when they see these animals listed and many more. The time you will have together exploring this marvelous new world for them. And, this new adventure of learning all began with the Melissa Doug animal puzzle book.

Animals Mini-Puzzle Pack

Animals Mini-Puzzle Pack

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The Friendly Green Augie Alligator Slumber Bag

Hey, Mom and Dad, when it comes to nap time for your little scamper, do you find it difficult or maybe a challenge to get them to lay down and take a few Zzzz’s so you can rest for at least a few minutes? If so, then there’s no need to worry about it as long as you have Augie Alligator Slumber Bag. This green “monster” will be more than happy to gobble up junior for the exact time it takes to go on a short journey to snooze-ville.

Six feet of smiling green cloth in this lovable shape of a friendly water monster will make fast friends for that sleepy trip. If that alone doesn’t put a smile on your face, imagine how much you’ll beam knowing you’ll no longer have to beg and plead to get little Johnny or Suzie to give a little bit of time to yourself. Then you realize they’re in the belly of an oversized, albeit, soft plushy amigo.

As adults, we know how important it is to have a playtime friend when we’re children. Oftentimes, the little ones love to pretend and conjure up their special friends regardless of their origination. Whether they come from book or film or television characters, or simply from their own imaginations, they’ll find room for Augie Alligator Slumber Bag.

Augie Alligator Slumber Bag

Augie Alligator Slumber Bag

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Following The Maze Of Learning Tree Toys

Have you ever looked up into a tall tree and wondered how to get as far up into the canopy that you can? Or, have you wondered how to enter a maze at the fair and figure your way out without looking too foolish? By now, you’re trying to figure what these two questions have in common with learning tree toys.

Just so happens, I can answer that for you in this short article. As you can see in the picture below, this learning game board puzzle is in the shape of a tree which connects the two introductory questions. Now, to take this even further, just as the human trait is to look upon something that often puzzles us or stumps and attempt to figure out the solution. Allow your little one’s imagination take over as you guide them through this learning puzzle.

Learning often, and sometimes best, takes place when we push our brains to solve a problem and there’s no better time to begin that process than at an early age. This magnetic game encourages hand-eye coordination as well as fine motor skills. So, go ahead and give it a try and find out how far up the learning tree your little can go.

Kids Tree Wooden Toy - Puzzle Board Game

Kids Tree Wooden Toy – Puzzle Board Game

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Finding Rest In A Nursing Stool Cherry

Have you lost count of the days you’ve returned home from a long, tiring, even frustrating day, to find yourself slumped down in your favorite chair dreading having to get out of the chair and fix something to eat? Or, Moms of a newborn, have you found while you’re nursing this precious baby, you’re just not comfortable in the chair or rocker? Well, whatever the scenario is, let me suggest finding a bit of rest in the nursing stool cherry.

Moms, as you may know, there have been studies showing how important the proper support is while sitting and especially while holding and nursing a baby. This nursing stool provides that necessary support for you and your baby. Simply by adjusting the footrest to the desired angle, almost immediately, you’ll find the relief of pressure from your legs and back.

And, ladies, (and, for that matter, men) you’ll discover the same relief of pressure in your back and legs after finding the right adjustment for you when placing your feet on the footrest. Returning home from a long day and sitting in your favorite chair for a few minutes will be a joy again. As you can see, the nursing stool really does provide more uses than its name suggests.

Nursing Stool

Nursing Stool

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Simply A Pink Wooden Rocking Chair

Do you have a favorite color? Do your children prefer one color over another? Have you ever thought about the importance of color in our daily lives or even how much of a role colors play from the very beginning of our life?

Well, fortunately, I’ve conducted a little bit research on the matter of colors and whether the issue of male colors vs. female colors really makes much of a difference. And, in case you’re wondering, this does relate to even a wooden rocking chair regardless of it being pink. Based on my reading of the whole color issue, from the time we’re born until whenever, we are persuaded by culture and societal norms as to the color a boy or a girl should favor right through adulthood.

While I’m writing to promote a simply pink wooden rocking chair and less of the argument of color preference, I do think it all plays a role in shaping us as mature men and women. Until the 1940’s, boys were dressed in pink and girls in blue because pink was seen as a stronger color for boys and blue as a softer color for girls even though there are now studies showing some evidence of both genders generally preferring blue.  You can google that for yourself. To sum it all up, my point is that, while cultural norms can change like the colors of the seasons, let your little girl enjoy a pink wooden rocking chair.

Two-Slat Rocker - Pink

Two-Slat Rocker – Pink

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Here We Go With The Monkey See Monkey Draw Children’s Book

If you’ve been to the zoo, you know how monkeys copy each other and do what the others do. All too often, we see that in our interactions with each other. Well, in the Monkey See Monkey Draw children’s book, we are taken on a wild adventure into the unknown.

When the monkeys see what’s really going on inside a cave they’ve been afraid to explore, with the help of a friendly elephant, they become more and more curious. Then things start to get a little more convoluted. Doesn’t this pique your interest into the adventure of the Monkey See Monkey Draw children’s book?

On a little bit lighter note, Mom and Dad, watch your children around each other and observe how they react to and interact with each other. Do they get excited when things confuse them or when things scare them a little bit? And, when they’re with their friends in the backyard or out on the playground, how do respond to the leader of the group?

Monkey See Monkey Draw Children's Book

Monkey See Monkey Draw Children’s Book

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Building With Melissa Doug Soft ABC Blocks

How important is building? When you think of construction, it’s vital to the integrity of the facility being used as a part of everyday life for it to be on a sound and solid foundation and supported so that it doesn’t come crashing down around us. Well, I trust you see where I’m going in reference to the Melissa Doug soft ABC blocks.

As mentioned above, the first building blocks to any foundation are key to adding to the structure and the same goes for the foundation of a solid education. One must begin with the alphabet and then add step-by-step to round out a quality learning experience to last a lifetime. Which brings me to the next phase of adding to the foundation with these match and build blocks.

With these soft match and build blocks, your little one can obviously build a tower, knock them down to start the process over. Additionally, and more importantly for learning, they can develop and build onto their cognitive skills, creativity and developmental skills while they’re with you as their guide. As their guide, you can demonstrate pulling back the flaps on the blocks to reveal a fruit or an animal or a number or an everyday shape which can develop their storytelling skills as you wax lyrical as well as their motor skills.

Match & Build Blocks

Match & Build Blocks

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How Green Is My Kidkraft Avalon Chair

When we look all around us, we see the green of the grass and the leaves in spring and summer. We see green in people’s clothes and during this football season we see the green in school and team colors. So, with all this green going on, have you considered seeing green in your child’s room in the form of a kidkraft avalon chair?

As you know, one of the primary colors is green. No doubt you have an abundance of it in your own home or, perhaps, your car is green. Regardless, try putting this green kidkraft avalon chair in your child’s room and see how it changes the look and perception of their room.

My sister’s favorite color is green and she has immersed her house in the color and with the decor. People love green and you will too after seeing how well this green kidkraft avalon chair goes with your child’s room. As you’ll find out, your eyes don’t have to be green to be seeing green with this chair – oh, and before I forget, there’s a little green-eyed monster lurking around so don’t let it get a hold of you.

Kidkraft Avalon Chair-Green

Kidkraft Avalon Chair-Green

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